Boardroom Diplomacy

Image by MagicDesk from Pixabay

6 months into the pandemic I heard an impressive social entrepreneur talk about persuading government to change tac.  One element that made it possible was the inclusivity of meeting virtually: “There’s no head of the table on Zoom” they said. Fast forward another 8 months and, as we plan for a return to being able… Continue reading Boardroom Diplomacy

The way our brains really work – Mindfullness for organisational behaviour?

Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash

I came across some critiquing of the practice of Mindfullness in organisations this week.  On the one hand, seeing it as essential for dealing with everyday stresses, not least of a digital world that attracts us towards automatic, but unhelpful behaviour.  On the other hand, seeing the investment in these practices as preventing us noticing,… Continue reading The way our brains really work – Mindfullness for organisational behaviour?

What’s disrupting our short-term behaviour, and will it last?

Liminal Space, Bill Hertha

How do we shift from short-term to long-term behaviour? What’s disrupting it now and will it last? What might it take to create a more collaborative future?

Brave New Work – book review

I was introduced to this book as a game-changer, and that was spot-on.  This book will be on MBA set text lists and will radically alter our practice in organisations.  In a week where the Economist highlighted the pervading scepticism of ‘responsible capitalism’ in elite MBA schools. This book busts the myth that inclusion and… Continue reading Brave New Work – book review

Should we be more idle?

Should we be more idle? Would we find the missing middle? Would we and communities co-evolve and thrive? A response to the launch of the new Institute for Community Studies and Nir Eyal

What’s your Futures Preference, and why does it matter?

Interconnected social care system

Insights from a guest lecture at Goldsmiths’ MA Social Entrepreneurship This week I had the delight of talking to a room full of open-minded social entrepreneurship students.   A reminder of how important Further Education is in shaping the agency that we have over the world we want to live in.  In two short hours we… Continue reading What’s your Futures Preference, and why does it matter?

The World in 2050: Social Impact Blog series

I’m one of 8 Futurists around the world writing on the ‘Transformation of Capitalism’.  We are all on a learning programme with the Association of Professional Futurists as Emerging Fellows.  My series is on social impact under the broad title ‘Are Social Entrepreneurs the new Capitalists?’.  We are all being published once a month: for… Continue reading The World in 2050: Social Impact Blog series

Lessons from an unpredictable future

Sustaining social justice is really difficult. It’s not enough for social entrepreneurs to be opportunistic, you need to be systematic. In this article for ‘Pioneers Post’ I outline some practical ways to start.

What I learned on F*** Up Night

Be humble but not paralysed by your mistakes. Take the time to listen deeply and learn from people. Or you’ll be making others’ mistakes as well as your own, and we won’t be able to tackle the big issues.