Co-production remains on the margins, not because we don’t care enough. Our policy systems don’t require it. But co-production is the natural state in which networks thrive, and healthcare can’t be fixed by hospitals and social care on their own.
Co-production remains on the margins, not because we don’t care enough. Our policy systems don’t require it. But co-production is the natural state in which networks thrive, and healthcare can’t be fixed by hospitals and social care on their own.
Working with uncertainty is unsettling. We all need points of reference. Futures frameworks can help us ‘read the compass’. Here’s 4 insights from our recent ‘Everyday Futures’ learning sessions.
Three Horizons is one of those simple Futures tools that works really well in making sense of complex issues. It can be used in the background, when we just want to be more informed and intentional about change. It can also be widened and deepened in working explicitly with groups of people. At its core, it’s… Continue reading Three Questions for Three Horizons
There’s a balance to be struck by all of us between working on the thing that’s in front of us, and building the foundations for what we need to work on next. When you’re ‘running to keep up’ that foundational work can feel like a luxury. But oh my goodness there’s nothing like a pandemic… Continue reading The Innovation Blog: Using your wing mirrors
Perhaps it’s not in vogue to write about the difficult stuff. But I’m always wrestling with work which, no matter how long I’ve been doing it, is still hard. It’s emotional energy, there are no short-cuts. It is real though, and there are good reasons why I’m doing it. So I’m writing about… Continue reading Working on the Difficult Stuff: March Practice Notes
I’ve been teaching more foresight recently, and noticing how easy it is to get out of practice in using our imagination. Being able to describe a different future from now is critical in our practice of change. But in our efforts to be productive and use robust data in our work, I think we’ve got… Continue reading Your imagination: why it needs practice to fire it up, and three ways to do it