The Stranded Assets of Us

We think of stranded assets as locked in oil and gas commodities. But what if we think about our own assets that are locked in. How can we reclaim them?

Intelligent Failure

Professor Amy Edmondson giving talk on failure at the RSA

Prof Amy Edmondson gave a talk about intelligent failure at the RSA on 26 September. Why we need to pay attention more and be curious. Lessons for our ‘future for work’.

Futures Practice Hour

Thinking about the future can be either so scary or seem so futile that we don’t ever do it in meaningful ways. When we look at the world around us, we assume we don’t have the power for change.

Futures tools don’t take these dilemmas away. But they offer us ways of working constructively with them.

On My Radar

Looking out for stories about how we connect, how we consume and how we destroy as part of our Futures workshop series. 3 stories piqued my interest this month.

Spring Media Review Images from Nature

daffodil with bee

Review of media for March. Stories that we need to help us move towards net zero. Why stories matter; and some of them. Stories that work with what we know about human behaviour: we need pulls towards what we want, not just stories of loss.

March Media Review Storytelling for 2030

Review of media for March. Stories that we need to help us move towards net zero. Why stories matter; and some of them. Stories that work with what we know about human behaviour: we need pulls towards what we want, not just stories of loss.

Innovation through an era of expensive cash

Steve Buissinne

We’re going to see major adjustments to how we do capital investment. We’re entering an era of more expensive cash. Shorter timeframes for returns. Tighter rules on how we value future assets.   The risk is that these changes ossify existing political and economic power through constraining access to finance. If you’re tacitly supporting the… Continue reading Innovation through an era of expensive cash